Let's retrofit the national highway for starters...
Standalone Solar powered Chargefox EV chargers AND green Hydrogen pumps at roadhouses.
Here's some mind bending theoretical applied science...?Mesoporous Carbon Perovskite Photovoltaic Cells using a 3D superlattice, hot carrier electrons, vertical quantum wells with possible
quantum superabsorption for 2 in 1 solar harvesting and storage in large arrays in a microgrid. Virtually no transmission losses between solar harvesting and storage! This material could also be
compostable at the end of it's lifescycle, where material degradation will create a range of nanopores, similar to biochar, perfect for high rise housing for micro-organisms for better soil
health and Carbon removal on the Millenia+ timescale.
Note that there is only one solar panel manufacturer in Australia, Tindo Solar. Maybe this could be an opportunity for them or for another material/panel/battery manufacturer in Australia.
The new material could directly power Chargefox EV chargers and power large Hysata electrolysers using their proprietary capillary action for Green Hydrogen production.
Hydrogen could be stored as supply for H2 or H2 hybrid vehicles in Mg alloys or hydrides.
The H2 storage alloys or powders would need to cope with high desert temperatures so liquefaction and cooling at low temperatures would not be an option which would take too much energy and be at
risk of explosion.
Kits could be scaled to demand in shipping containers, trucked or railroaded in.
A new business could grow oil-producing microalgae, grown in onshore coastal desert seawater ponds which could produce biodiesel via oil extraction and pyrolyse the waste into biochar then both
products transported to roadhouses for the remaining diesel powered transport filling up with fuel. The biochar could be used in biochar hydroponic systems (if the soil is lousy) to grow food for
the roadhouse menu plus sold as bags for punters.
I previously blogged about 'self-powered transport' but the reality is it won't all be self-powered. Many people say transport is the hardest sector to decarbonise but if we build tech for the
hardest sector it could benefit the rest of the 'easy' energy sector. Unsustainable PV cells and big batteries will be a thing of the past.
And just for fun, check out the video for this tech:
EV charging
H2 electrolysers
H2 storage
H2 pumps
But why stop at roadhouses? eg. communities, regional towns etc.
It's a transmission efficiency and energy security, sustainability and Sovereignty problem
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