Microalgae biochar kiln


  • Microalgae strain agnostic/programmable for the machine learned products you want from an unlimited number of machine learned/automated classified endemic strains
  • Open source
  • Stationary
  • Modular
  • Light as possible
  • Transportable in a shipping container eg.40 foot
  • Biomass starter
  • Process heat by-product from Pyrolysis for dewatering of the microalgae (could possibly condensate the water for adding to the quenching troughs)
  • Energy efficient/self sustaining
  • Fossil free
  • Self-powered with a heat exchanger and ORC
  • Can be augur fed (only moving part)
                - Augur made from steel
                - powered from an electric engine coupled to an ORC with heat exchanger
                - Variables: Pyrolysis temperature, moisture content, controlled by augur speed
  • Different stages/batches of continuous pyrolysis at different temperatures for fractionating chemicals eg. lipids, starch, protein, hydrocarbons etc. The temperature changes the ratio of the products of pyrolysis. Could be known as a 'multi-stage rotary kiln'.
  • Uses reusable green catalysts, possibly different at each temperature stage
  • Airflow with temperature measurement (high grade ?inconel thermocouples)
  • Simple & high grade electronics connected to a RPi4 with 10" touchscreen interface running CircuitPython on RPi OS (enclosed in a weather proofed box)
  • 3mm HW350 steel housing - Can be left outside with no canopy
  • Can be shut down anytime for maintenance
  • Standalone. Doesn't need to Integrate with existing infrastructure other than a separate water supply for quenching
            - Australian manufactured
            - ?150k+
            - ?biochar kg/h
  • Final product after pyrolysis, Biochar (with NPKS etc.), transferred to freshwater troughs (using desalinated seawater via University of Tokyo's nano fluorine ring membranes) for quenching
  • pH balancing in troughs, once quench liquid has cooled microbes added for a BMC product added to compost for agriculture and horticulture
  • Biochar earns CORCs from puro.earth


In the future, some parts eg.augur, could be possibly 3D printed by a Rosotics 3D printer:



Seawater->seawater mining->seawater wastewater->microalgae->ML strain recognition->strain isolation->strain culture->microalgae growing in raceway ponds->microalgae harvesting with machinery->protein, neutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals->waste biomass->purpose built microalgae biochar kiln (rotary/TLUD)->recovered chemicals at different temperature stages->biochar->soil->agriculture, horticulture->reversing climate change


The main engineering challenge I see with this is collecting the byproducts of pyrolysis from each temperature stage. Research, design, implementation, testing, development and commercialisation is needed!

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