



Agave for Mezcal (and more) grown in biochar for semi-arid areas idea

Here's a you beaut idea for semi-arid areas...


Agave is a genus of monocots native to the arid regions of the Americas with approximately 270 species.

Agave species vary in economic use which could include Mezcal/Mescal spirit (from over 40 Agave species, varieties, and subvarieties eg. Agave angustifolia), fibre, medicine, health products, biofuels eg. aviation fuel, animal fodder, provide natural defences to bushfires/wildfires and many more uses. I recommend checking out:

Nugent, Jeff, 'Permaculture plants: Agaves and Cacti', SARI, 2016, Australia

for more information, with a trove of plant information with many interesting economic uses listed.

Here's also a great page about the Mezcal traditions in Mexico:


I've been successfully growing Agave attenuata (Foxtail, Lion's tail or swan neck) in biochar pots, with an unmilled biochar bottom aquifer (a 'wicking sponge') and permafert top layer with unmilled biochar, for 10 years. I've been thinking about growing Agave for Mezcal (and other crops) for 6 months on some spare land which is located in the Barossa Mediterranean/semi-arid climate zone.


As it turns out, someone is already doing it in Sonoma Country, California, USA, through a group known as 'HIVE' (Healthy Vibrant Innovative Ecosystem).

They are growing Agave in biochar though which species are being grown needs to be clarified.

At HIVE,  the biochar is produced in a kiln designed and built by Takachar processing organic farm waste. The kiln is transported via a tractor in field. They also got an X-Prize milestone award and Earthshot prize for the kiln..


The Flame Cap 'Algorithm' Panel Kiln which I designed last year with Dr TLUD's help can be moved to where it is needed for biochar production in field and easily assembled. It can probably be transported around a field with a ute, tractor and trailer or quad bike and trailer (for a standard unit), depending on the ground condition and what's available, or between fields in the back of a ute, single or dual cab (see Algorithm page under the 'Logistics' section for some interesting numbers).


To provide an overview of my other growing system research, I built the Permachar Kitchen Garden (PKG) 7 years ago which is still working great, growing perennial Mediterranean herbs, using unmilled bottom biochar aquifers and inoculated milled biochar in Permafert for the top layer (also using drip irrigation). I built my Zai pits with an unmilled biochar bottom aquifer and Permafert top layer with milled biochar to grow the '3 Sisters' for 2 seasons with some success as I was trying out different bucket irrigation regimes (but pretty small corn). I'm also successfully growing fig trees in 90L fabric pots using a combination of inoculated unmilled biochar (with liquid sea kelp, Popul8 microbes and molasses) and composted poultry manure at a ratio of 1:1. More experiments too with bottom aquifers or no bottom aquifers, biochar particle size using milling or no milling and inoculated biochar combinations for Permafert.


I'm hoping to start an Agave angustifolia (Espadin) (or other Agave species) trial using vine wood waste for biochar produced in the Algorithm and grow them in swales built in my paddock. Using my combined research mentioned, and taking into account Algorithm kiln logistics and quench procedure, I'm going to try unmilled biochar in plant specific Permafert (with no bottom aquifer) to fill the swales.


Vircura, a biotechnology company in South Australia, is doing cell tissue cultures of Agave tequilana (along with Industrial Hemp R&D). They have started a trial in McLaren Vale growing Agave tequilana in mounds, presumably for good drainage which the Agave like.

But, it seems rainfall is decreasing in the Barossa Valley. My theory is it will continue to do so with climate change, so why not take a punt with swales using biochar that will hold more water for longer than mounds?


Potentially, vineyards who want to diversify in order to be more climate-proofed could use the land from cleared vines for Agave growing, using the collected vine wood waste in combo with an expandable Algorithm kiln to produce the biochar in field and help grow the Agave with possible additional crops too.

According to Susan Wood, "Agave plants require 3 inches of water per acre annually. That’s compared to almonds, which require approximately 50 inches of water per acre, pistachios, which need 40 inches; and tomatoes which need 30 inches." in an article titled 'Agave growing with other crops, ventures at new North Bay ag hub' in the North Bay Business Journal on 23/12/2024. Though I would predict that sunlight, nutrient and water requirements will vary somewhat between different Agave species and varieties (more research).


I understand vine wood biochar has high Carbon porosity (needs more research) as most wood does, which could be perfect for adsorbing and storing large volumes of water after rainfall, then slowly release it back to the plant roots. The vine wood biochar, produced in an Algorithm, would be quenched with soil and possibly manure after a burn, so would be unmilled. Standard trench diggers could be possibly calibrated to dig shallow trenches (that still need a clay bottom to harvest and store water mainly in the biochar) with some shovel/?machine work on the sides for the swales. Intercropping, or mixed cropping, could be adopted, which could be especially useful for a winery restaurant operation that needs herbs, food and a variety of booze (wine, Mezcal and beer and possibly some 'Ancient Brews') as a point of difference. For eg. Agave tequilana or oaxaca in some swales; Mediterranean perennial herbs (no compost needed) and vegetables (compost needed) in some swales; other swales: legumes eg. lentils; grains eg. sorghum, wheat and barley, for bread and brews. 'Measured Irrigation' ( could be used if needed, which would require some but not all existing water infrastructure eg. no need for irrigation controllers and power, is usually automated gravity fed drip irrigation - but not for the Agave which are drought-tolerant. The Permafert can be engineered for each crop, adding different product/DIY combinations for inoculation eg. liquid sea kelp, microbes, molasses and fungal spores, once the Permafert has cooled down after quenching.


In the HIVE operation, farmers were planning a 5 year growing cycle and in the McLaren Vale operation, a 4 year growing cycle is planned. I imagine that this will vary between different growing systems, species and varieties and climate and weather which is becoming more unpredictable with climate change. Agave can be harvested at any time of the year which is an added bonus. Once they are established, minimal tending is needed, assuming they are pest and disease resistant too (more research), then harvest when the plants are ready.


What about frosts? There were bad frosts in September 2024 in South Australian wine regions. According to Michael Kies of Kies Family Wines, who has seen 55 vintages, has never seen a frost like this.

Frosts and cold are also a problem for Agave species that are not 'frost tolerant' - which Agave angustifolia is, according to Jeff Nugent in his book referenced above. I think it's best to get specific information per Agave species and research widely, especially if it's going to be a commercial crop plant.


There's also a possibility of earning Biochar Carbon Removal credits using the Algorithm to produce biochar in the future. This is an area I'm currently researching.


It would be great to see in the future Mezcal/Mescal spirits locally produced in the tasting rooms around the wine growing areas.


Very excited to share the idea!






Oz election points to consider

Climate, renewables, manufacturing and housing for 'top down global thinking and bottom up integrated action' (nice one, David Holmgren)
- moratorium on new fossil mines and fossil mine expansions (the Greens wouldn't disagree)
- a large fossil export 'C tax' (good one Prof Garnaut and co) that can fund:
- massive spending boost on renewable energy R&D, manufacturing and deployment, linked into the legislated 'Future Made in Australia' policy (great work, ALP) and housing crisis
- industrial hemp industry funding boost for crop research and industry expansion for cultivars possibly with both high yield and high quality seed (health) and Hurd (housing) for
    - hempcrete public housing eg. ecovillages (, using Oz grown hemp, C neutral/negative lime, hemp waste to biochar (at least 5%) and water plus surplus biochar for regenerative hemp growing (perpetual motion)
    - integrated with Oz manufactured renewable energy tech
- a Biochar Carbon Removal (BCR) strategy (eg.Denmark) linked into ANZBIG's 'Australian Biochar Industry 2030 Roadmap' and the Carbon Removal Marketplace (CRM) with the hemp industry possibly as the flagship for (hemp) waste to biochar (mentioned above) plus many more biomass feedstocks, biochar production technologies and biochar applications should be investigated (in addition to biochar's permanent 'C removal'/'Inertinite maceral' for Phil Sutton's 'Climate Emergency' for a 'Safe Climate')
- more apprenticeships to meet the skills shortage in the above industries

- a social media campaign for positive messaging to spruik all/some/?any of the above policy positions

- social media to actively counteract the LNPs 'baseload' nuclear power deception/fossil fuel expansion agenda (Getup analysis) (as opposed to 'dispatchable' renewables which are already locking in as the future energy supply of the National Electricity Market, and possibly for the rest of the Country too)

- a Youtube politician debate channel that could stream from TV debates or other political debating forums


Down the track

-a smartphone app for greater Civil political engagement with voting on issues and commenting on proceedings during Parliament 'Question Time' and beyond via a cloud front end dashboard on a large monitor plus touch screen kiosk, possibly in the foyer (a little distracting in the main room) - for visitors and the pollies (when not in 'Question Time') to monitor feedback (with some AI moderation). I'm imagining it as a political art installation, with the past (QE2) and the present (realtime comments and voting on issues) looking towards building an awesome future that most of us deserve. Kind of like comment monitors for climate COP meetings on roids. Alternatively, if pollies can still use smartphones in Parliament, they could check out the metrics and comments in realtime during 'Question Time'.

-Maybe a Citizen's Assembly could be a better idea? Works well apparently in the UK...


What can I do? My goal now is to undertake data engineering training on Codecademy as I need to get a job, rather than sucking up to investors for VC, in order to fund the Flame Cap 'Algorithm' Panel Kiln project which I believe has a bright future if it tests and develops well...I ask myself, why not combine virtual engineering, such as a dMRV for a CRM (see the Algorithm page), with physical engineering including both the Algorithm and biochar engineered materials? Eg., I could specialise in data pipelines for IoT and link the Algorithm to a custom CRM...I guess if you had to theorise it, this would make me an 'Eco-Marxist Capitalist Survivalist'. I want people to have the opportunity to build and own their own biochar kiln hardware ('own the means of production'/cherry picked Marxism), produce biochar for themselves (Survival) with C removal for the Planet (Eco) and get paid well to do it (poverty busting Capitalism). This is possible and already starting to happen around the world.


As I've blogged previously, sometimes technology and politics get mixed up together! I think I'll have a lot more fun doing tech without the politics. I'm interested to see where all of this can lead me, and whoever else wants to get involved - please do ('Contact' page).


Cheers! Happy 2025!






Tax the Carbon export commodities, pay the Carbon removalists

The forests are becoming net Carbon emitters (wildfires and deforestation pressures), the Oceans are overloaded with CO2 and acidifying (phytoplankton) and the permafrost Carbon bomb is going off with methane release due to anaerobic bacterial ingestion of Carbon from thawed out biomass (28 times more warming potential than CO2). Permafrost contains most of the terrestrial Carbon. There's also 'Tipping point' theory. A lot of intel around that. Speak science to power.


Is this a climate emergency?



So, the idea is this, without using fancy economic modelling:

Tax the Carbon export commodities eg. fossil fuels, with a large Carbon export tax (disincentive for C pollution).

  • I highly doubt there will be a global marketplace for biochar trading as it would be unsustainable and would defeat the point of a low or no Carbon logistics footprint of biochar production, distribution and application.

Pay the Carbon removalists/Charistas on the Carbon Removal Marketplace (incentive for C removal).

Bad idea: CO2 import/export marketplace. What about the C logistics footprint and acidification of aquifer groundwater? Presumably, the idea was conceived by the fossil industry to prolong the use of 'clean' fossil fuel using dodgy CCS tech.


I've got a hot Flame Cap 'Algorithm' Panel Kiln design and Carbon Removal Marketplace platform concept ready to R&D for software, data and Charista entrepreneurs on the ground floor.

Maybe we can contribute to a 'Safe climate' for all species with potentially the cheapest biochar production per litre (Algorithm), the most efficient (harnessing the power of deep learning) and granular (down to individual panel kilns) platform?


All the computers and software in the world can't remove Carbon. Someone needs to do it. Complex biochar kilns are bloody expensive which only the elite can afford. What if the software backend crashes? Well, you've still got a biochar kiln that can produce biochar for many use cases, can be sold and can be bartered. What do you have to lose? Maybe I could get paid in 10 minutes after a burn to remove Carbon? Is that a risk worth taking?


Please get in touch on the 'Contact' page and we can make this happen!






Sustainable Adaptation

"The ability to adapt to and survive the environment, finding a niche to live regeneratively meeting one's needs, maintaining a spiritual connection to the Earth, leaving a 'net negative' resource and pollution footprint behind during one's lifetime."

Ideally, the environment left at the end of one's life is better overall than the beginning of one's life, leaving an inheritance for the 'Seventh Generation' in the future.

Points to consider
- Economic plant species
    - the past, present and future
    - key to transitioning away from fossil fuel
    - many biotechnology opportunities
    - key species
        - hemp
        - bamboo
        - macroalgae
        - microalgae
        - palms and ferns
        - agaves and cacti
- Appropriate Technology
    - a key adaptation strategy and very useful
    - IP mainly in the Creative Commons
    - money, skills, tools and materials to build the 'Apptech'
- renewable energy
    - key to the transition
    - energy everywhere available for harvesting
    - manufacturing opportunities
    - maintenance jobs
- landscape regeneration
    - 'Green Walls' with economic plant species to defend against encroaching desertification
- Carbon footprint
    - adaptation to climate change. How?
    - Permanent Biochar Carbon Removal (BCR) for 'Inertinite'
    - globally paid credits for BCR in the 'Carbon Removal Marketplace' (CRM)
    - Biochar production technologies (extensively blogged about with a LOT of intel on this website)
    - Biochar integrated into both ecology and economy with economic opportunity at scale (ideally household, community, bioregional, National).
- Water footprint
    - rainwater harvesting
    - sustainable lake, river, stream water harvesting
    - Desalination of saline water eg. Seawater, brackish groundwater
    - Atmospheric Water Harvesting (AWH)
- chemical footprint
    - consumption of circular products using 'Green chemistry' which means avoiding fossil fuel based products and polluting chemicals






Plant Civilization for sustainable adaptation to climate change

Plants. The past and the future with upgrades for climate change...


- economic plant species
    - bamboo eg. Tulda
    - hemp (
    - macroalgae eg.kelp
    - microalgae eg. Spirulina

    - Plants for a Future (

    - Nugent, Jeff, 'Permaculture plants: Agaves and Cacti, SARI, 2016, Australia

    - Nugent, Jeff, 'Permaculture plants - A selection', SARI, 1996, Australia
    - Nugent, Jeff, 'Permaculture plants: Palms and Ferns', 2016, SARI, Australia

    - Toensmeier, Eric, 'Perennial Vegetables', 2007, Chelsea Green Publishing, USA

    - Laws, Bill, 'Fifty Plants that Changed the Course of History', 2010, Quid Publishing, Australia

    and many more!!
- biomass waste->
- Pyrolysis->
- Biochar, for permanent Carbon removal/Inertinite eg. Flame Cap 'Algorithm' Panel kiln (optional heat (biomass drying) + electricity for exxy but awesome kilns eg. ECHO2) ->
- AWH (intermittent (day/night)/continuous (awesome), unpowered (solar thermal eg. Biochar hydrogel paint)/ powered (solar PV for a machine or fans)) or desalination (RO, CDI, solar; graphene membrane (?2 stages) for RO + activated Biochar/Carbon for pathogens and contaminants) or groundwater or rainfall or river water

Soil-based growing systems
1. Regenerative Agroforestry System (RAS), using swales, Zai pits or Swale-Zai pit hybrids, with optional 'Measured Irrigation' tech (   

->(back to top)


Soil-free (but not water-based) growing systems

1. CompoChar

2. Hemp bioplastic 90L fabric pots with inoculated biochar: manure 1:1 for eg.dwarf fruit trees

3. Permachar Wicking Pots, with inoculated biochar: manure 1:1 for eg. herbs


Water-based growing systems
1. Microalgae (freshwater: AWH, desalination of seawater, desalination of groundwater; saline water: seawater, brackish groundwater): (monitoring, motorised paddle, semi-transparent Perovskite PV lid, Carbon-based SSB, scaleable raceway ponds)

->fish food (or human consumption)->Integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) (>fish (freshwater/saline)

->fish poo

->water plants
eg1. for freshwater: taro, mint, arrowroot, yams, chestnuts, cress etc.
eg2. for saline water: seaweed, for human consumption or Asparagopsis, for cows to decrease methane emissions from burps and farts

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The world is imperfect

The ol' maxim 'Save the Planet' could be interpreted in a number of ways.
It would be ridiculous and ignorant to believe one person could save all species, climate and Civilization as we know it. Collaboration is the new black - or even the new 'black-green'. Project based collaboration, I believe, is now the key to 'Saving the Planet' and can work physically and culturally on the household, community, bioregional and global levels. There's still a role for National Government planning and finance (with broad consultation on policy) or even Global pledges eg. Carbon emission targets, or even a UN-led Carbon Removal Marketplace (CRM) platform proposed below but ultimately it's what is done on the ground that matters and contributes to healthier ecosystems and improved living standards for most involved.

Development isn't something that should be 'done to other people' but it often is. Maybe the world climate finance for developing Countries can improve the development game with more community led projects but maybe not. A new agreement at COP29 in Baku called the 'Baku Finance Goal' is building a new Carbon credit scheme, spending some but presumably not all of the money on this. The voluntary Carbon credit market has an appalling track record for useless projects eg. tree monoculture plantations and corruption. A UN controlled ledger hopes to change that with complete transparency for Countries that can't manage their own ledgers (according to who?) and a State to State Carbon trading system (with less transparency) in place to fill the gaps. Or, at least, that was what I managed to work out but it may be interpreted differently. Kind of like running 2 horses.


I have a proposition, though a little late for COP29. I believe a better idea would be to design, build and manage a CRM platform by the UN for the free market, which can accept money for purchasing 'Carbon removal credits' from Carbon removal projects eg.BCR, from any entity including Governments, any companies and individuals, which is effective, transparent, measures Carbon removal at the 'source' for easier Carbon accounting, similar to but using a less complex and more streamlined MRV system, and whatever other criteria are deemed essential for a 'good' platform. Carbon removal projects could be limited to Countries where money is needed to be distributed for climate justice and adaptation. In the case of BCR, which make up the lion's share of Carbon removal projects, 'manufacturing credits' for accredited small to medium sized fabricators to produce biochar production technologies and the tools to build them could be purchased by the CRM platform from a separate fund. So, I guess you could say the CRM platform takes the best attributes from both a free and subsidised market.  In addition, there could be another separate fund supporting NGOs doing skills transfer for BCR projects linked in to the CRM platform. Could be a job for COP30?


Some notable projects out there are setting the new standard for sustainable development with BCR eg. Planboo (, CarbonKapture (, PlantVillage (, Dutch Carboneers ( and Aqueous Solutions ( and more. These projects are integrating BCR into communities with a focus on growing systems eg. Agroforestry for coffee growing in Columbia (PlanBoo), plant pest and disease control  in African villages and more (PlantVillage), conservation (various) and other applications eg. Water filtration (upcoming book "A field guide to biochar water treatment" from Aqueous Solutions). For more general information, the International Biochar Initiative is recommended ( There's also a great biochar farmers guide available for purchase at
The projects can also serve as a model for other communities in particular those with similar physical and cultural parameters BUT biochar is universal - where there is a climate, sunlight, water, nutrients, minerals and plants (with optional soil for microbes, fungus and fauna) there can be biochar produced - just need some biochar production tech, the skills, tools and materials to make it and a good dose of optimism.

Ultimately, a given community needs to take ownership of their projects, lead them and make their own choice that yes, they need help, and choose who helps them which is now enabled by the Internet where there is access to it everywhere with the 'Starlink Mini'. It's a great opportunity for the altruist ideally via NGOs to assist local people achieve their 'sustainable development goals', do good, feel good, learn about other cultures, meet some new people, whether it be as a consultant, project manager, engineer, technician, educator, journalist or even field worker (or something else). But, there's an important teaching here...some communities don't want to be 'helped' but given the urgency of the 'Climate Emergency', this would be in the minority of cases but should be respected.

I suggest if you're considering a biochar mission (eg.Flame Cap 'Algorithm' Panel Kilns - see the web page on this site for more information), do extensive background research and make the contacts eg. LinkedIn. Once a mission is teed up, before you go learn some of the National language (and local language once on site), count the financial beans with enough cash in reserve and have a go - there's a good chance you'll learn more from the locals than what you can share with them.

Make some new memories and take more risks! Enjoy that imperfect world...






Interview with Mr Lizard

It's just a bluey
It's just a bluey
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Biochar priority areas

If I had to prioritise Biochar for household and communities I would suggest the following main applications:

Biochar for
- bioenergy
    - biochar-producing TLUD stoves for cooking and water pasteurisation/boiling (to kill water-borne pathogens)
- water filtration
    - gravity fed Biochar filtration for a final treatment step if toxic and/or carcinogenic chemicals are present eg. PFAS 'forever chemicals', agricultural herbicides and pesticides and more...
- Atmospheric Water Harvesting (AWH) 'Hydrogels' if no other water source (experimental, see web page on this site)
- sanitation
    - Biochar in urine/piss buckets
    - Biochar and bokashi humanure toilets
- hygiene
    - Biochar added to ?ethanol-based liquid soap for hand washing
- growing systems
    - biochar-based media for seedling raising
    - hybrid swale and Zai pit systems (Kenya) for biochar-based Regenerative Agroforestry Systems (RAS)
- building
    - hemp(char)crete preformed panels for, eg. 6 or 8 sided yurts 
    - hemp(char)crete load-bearing building blocks
    - charclay bricks
    - besser blocks made from charcrete
    - Biochar filled floor tiles
    - Biochar filled roof tiles

    - Biochar paint (great for indoor temperature and humidity control)
    - Biochar filled bench tops and more...
    - Biochar air filtration if in an environment with poor air quality eg.cities/urban areas, agricultural areas still   using open air burning practices


I should also mention too that biochar, in some cases, can be used in a cascade of uses.

eg. air filtration->water filtration->sanitation->growing systems (permanent Carbon sink)

eg2. air filtration->water filtration (community scale)->building (permanent Carbon sink)

Biochar production technology
    - small scale
        - TLUD stoves eg. Navigator series (see web page on this site)
    - small to medium scale
        - Kon-Tiki cone kilns (see KTE web page on this site)
    - medium scale
        - Flame Cap 'Algorithm' Panel Kiln (see web page on this site)
    - large scale
        - batch
        - continuous
        - many options!

That's all for now!

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Australia's link to water insecurity

Here's the link.

Pro fossil energy policies (both sides of Gov)->More approvals of fossil expansions and new fossil projects->more fossil mining eg.coal mines, offshore gas and land-based fracking->more domestic use of fossil (though some is imported) and fossil exports (world's third largest fossil exporter)->more fossil combustion domestically and overseas->CO2 increase in climate system->increased climate change/global heating->environmental change and extreme weather patterns->eg. Damage or destruction of naturally occurring freshwater sources (rainfall, lakes, glaciers, rivers, streams, groundwater, wetlands and more)->water insecurity eg.potable water for drinking, sanitation (leading to more water-borne and other disease), growing systems and more...

but there is a new 5 point strategy offered by the 'Global Commission on the Economics of Water'. (1)

What can be done in Oz?

Why not pull the 'water trigger' that still could be pulled on a number of current and future fossil projects? Alternatively, the ol' 'Ancient sunlight lever' (blogged previously) could be pulled which could build a moratorium on new fossil fuel project expansions and mines and no more Gov subsidies for existing or new projects. With a Federal 'Just Green Transition' plan, jobs can be found in the renewable energy sector and where reskilling/training is needed for ex fossil workers, it should be free, for the future energy industry/'future of energy'.

Why be distracted from the Global 'Climate Emergency'?

'Water Wars' can happen anywhere! In fact, we've got our own local water wars happening at Beetaloo Basin in the NT (2) where there's escalating fracking development and the Doongmabulla Springs in QLD (3) where there's the Carmichael coal mine that's poisoning the Springs and draining the water. There's also the Murray-Darling basin, which has been fought over since Federation (a favourite topic of mine at Flinders University). Water is not just a precious resource for survival but is deemed Sacred by many Indigenous peoples for probably as long as human existence. More recently, by Non-Indigenous farmers, which includes my family for 7 generations in Victoria and more than 300 years in Ireland. Though, there was land clearing that happened but that's a whole new can of worms.

Desertification expansion is predicted with global average temperature increases above 1.5 degrees with a small likelihood of increasing to around 4 degrees Celsius and 'stabilising' which would be a disaster for all living species.

I'm on a 'Sustainable adaptation' mission to harvest water via 'Carbon negative' Biochar technology from the atmosphere (Atmospheric Water Harvesting), polluted or brackish water or even from seawater. Biochar has some remarkable properties in addition to permanent Carbon Removal that makes it a highly suitable candidate for these applications including a high (variable) surface area that is hydrophilic with a very high (also variable) Water Holding Capacity and robust solar thermal/absorber properties for steam generation, water pipe heating etc. I suggest trawling the Internet, including and and (and more) to update your knowledge on this broad topic.

Maybe you could design and build something and share it with the world?

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Floating renewable energy hubs for maritime applications

Decentralised and distributed floating/stationary green methanol production hubs for offshore maritime vessel fuel refilling. Why methanol? Methanol has the potential to be a 'C neutral' fuel used in fuel cells to power electric engines.

How could the methanol production process be powered?
- floating wind, wave and solar offshore energy production
- powering and integrated with a floating/stationary platform for

  • 'Direct Ocean Capture' (DOC) of CO2 (MIT)
  • direct seawater electrolysis for green H2 (various electrode tech/systems available)
  • methanol formation combining the CO2 and H2->CH3OH

Alternatively, there could be a direct solar-powered process producing methanol directly from seawater


How could it work?

- maritime vessel refuelling offshore, possibly in harbours eg.floating rafts or en route along a shipping lane at ?abandoned oil rigs or artificial islands with probably more options too!



Probably better than the kelp biomass pellet/TLUD idea previously blogged.

Could open up more shipping routes.

Could use smaller freight ships with less range.

'Fill her up with green methanol?'

If you can refuel planes in the sky, why not ships at sea?

This idea, though half-baked but I believe conceptually gold, could solve many logistics problems.

Maybe anything could be moved anywhere while being globalisation agnostic. But ideally, problems could be solved with In Situ Resource/Renewables Utilisation but in many cases a combination of global logistics and ISRU would be needed.

Regarding biochar kiln logistics, for eg., what is the most efficient way/route to export 'Green steel' eg. Corten from South Australia into Bolivia via Northern Chile?

In the case of corten, at the source, the corten could be produced from greener mining eg.machinery electrification, and green steel production eg.Green Hydrogen magnetite reduction, along the trade route, the fuel used is 'green methanol', at the destination, a fabricator makes a kiln (local jobs), eg., a Flame Cap 'Algorithm' Panel Kiln, and the biochar is produced in the kiln In Situ/on location where the waste biomass is located (minimal biochar logistics Carbon footprint).



Another application of the noviocean tech could be for maritime vessel (eg.electric powered catamaran with SSBs) battery charging in harbours or even further out, integrated with floating offshore wind energy platform tech, using again, a combination of wind, solar and wave energy but for temporary vessel docking and charging. For eg., anyone fancy an electric catamaran ride around Australia? Or even for public transport or tourism links along smaller distances, not necessarily just between capital cities. A network of the floating renewable energy hubs/recharge points could be built around the country's coastline - a lot of investment would be needed but if it worked - Awesome!! And that's just Australia...please get in touch if you're interested.


For now, that's the best I got.