A scientific instrument for measuring 'Random Reflectance' (Ro) of Biochar to determine it's half life as another metric for the Carbon Removal Marketplace (CRM) biochar valuation (eg. Longer
half life = higher financial value) and modelling future global Carbon Removal...very handy for climate scientists. The CharLife could be CRM platform agnostic aka used for any CRM platform
around the world! It could be made a standard instrument for valuing the biochar commodity itself👍
Measurement and Reporting would be determined by the hardware/software system but the Verification could be platform specific with integration or I/anyone(?) could come up with a standard that
the majority of platforms agree upon.
Instrument design
- light microscopy (functional groups, eg. Si, found in phytoliths, Ro)
- ?IR spectroscopy (twin peaks)
- C:H ratio (possibly obsolete)
- cheap, handheld, light and portable using a widely available OTS instrument
- pocket microscope with smartphone digiscoping eg. Carson 'Microflip'
- by not adding AI software to the instrument the cost can be reduced
- integrates with an AI powered digiscoping smartphone app using computer vision that has an offline database for offline use that uploads annotated data from the user and downloads other users
annotated data when the phone is online
- maybe too much lab work needed for Ro measurement done just with software...but why not try your luck?
Anyone interested, please get in touch on the 'Contact' form and we can have a discussion about the project!