What is biochar?
The biochar economy
Where could biochar integrate with permaculture design?
Overview of Permachar systems
Overview of Permachar Survival System (PSS)
Kon-Tiki biochar kilns
Kon-Tiki 'Essential' (KTE) biochar kiln
Kon-Tiki 'Essential' (KTE) latest system
Kon-Tiki 'Rolls' (KTR) biochar kiln
Bamboo Biochar Kiln
Flame Cap 'Algorithm' Panel Kiln
TLUD (Top-Lit UpDraft) stoves
Navigator Kitchen (NK)
Navigator Stove (NS)
SuperBoo TLUD
Activated Biochar System (ABS)
Earth Survival System (ESS) mini
Flat-Tiki 'Carbon'
Stockpot TLUD Biochar System (STBS)
Stockpot Biochar System (SBS)
Biochar bags
Compost and more
Permachar Kitchen Gardens (PKG)
The Permafert Swale (TPS)
Regenerative Agroforestry System (RAS)
Latest Regenerative Agroforestry System (RAS) notes
Atmospheric Water Harvesting (AWH)
The Permachar Nursery (TPN)
Permachar Wicking Pot (PWP)
Permachar Wicking Module (PWM)
Passive solar biomass dryer and greenhouse
Project Golf Buggy
The 'H2 extender trailer'
RSS feed
What is biochar?
The biochar economy
Where could biochar integrate with permaculture design?
Overview of Permachar systems
Overview of Permachar Survival System (PSS)
Kon-Tiki biochar kilns
Kon-Tiki 'Essential' (KTE) biochar kiln
Kon-Tiki 'Essential' (KTE) latest system
Kon-Tiki 'Rolls' (KTR) biochar kiln
Bamboo Biochar Kiln
Flame Cap 'Algorithm' Panel Kiln
TLUD (Top-Lit UpDraft) stoves
Navigator Kitchen (NK)
Navigator Stove (NS)
SuperBoo TLUD
Activated Biochar System (ABS)
Earth Survival System (ESS) mini
Flat-Tiki 'Carbon'
Stockpot TLUD Biochar System (STBS)
Stockpot Biochar System (SBS)
Biochar bags
Compost and more
Permachar Kitchen Gardens (PKG)
The Permafert Swale (TPS)
Regenerative Agroforestry System (RAS)
Latest Regenerative Agroforestry System (RAS) notes
Atmospheric Water Harvesting (AWH)
The Permachar Nursery (TPN)
Permachar Wicking Pot (PWP)
Permachar Wicking Module (PWM)
Passive solar biomass dryer and greenhouse
Project Golf Buggy
The 'H2 extender trailer'
RSS feed
02/10/2025 - Renewable energy rocks
02/04/2025 - MMM, FFF and BBB
01/08/2025 - Agave for Mezcal (and more) grown in biochar for semi-arid areas idea
01/07/2025 - Oz election points to consider
12/15/2024 - Tax the Carbon export commodities, pay the Carbon removalists
12/02/2024 - Sustainable Adaptation
11/24/2024 - Plant Civilization for sustainable adaptation to climate change
11/22/2024 - The world is imperfect
11/03/2024 - Interview with Mr Lizard
10/30/2024 - Biochar priority areas
10/17/2024 - Australia's link to water insecurity
10/07/2024 - Floating renewable energy hubs for maritime applications
09/29/2024 - What's special about biochar?
09/13/2024 - How green and stable can we get?
08/01/2024 - Panel kilns - the future of low-cost high volume medium scale biochar production?
07/01/2024 - An opportunity - not a crisis
06/28/2024 - The 'Desert Rose' 4WD
06/21/2024 - The Link
06/15/2024 - A blog about nothing
05/18/2024 - Carbon negative shipping ideas
05/10/2024 - Ideas for biochar 'circular integration' and more
04/11/2024 - Biochar production technology
04/10/2024 - Experimental Kon-Tiki 'Essential' system
04/01/2024 - Education and skills, anyone?
03/23/2024 - Carbon negative factory for Carbon negative renewable energy
03/03/2024 - X Prize for desalination interest?
03/02/2024 - Activated Biochar System (ABS) concept
02/19/2024 - Some apptech worth checking out
01/14/2024 - Sustainable adaptation?
01/08/2024 - A cunning plan for 2024
12/29/2023 - A 'Closed loop' Green Hydrogen fuel system
12/13/2023 - Join the dots
12/08/2023 - Renewable energy tech
12/05/2023 - 3 levels of Carbon action
11/25/2023 - Biochar and materials discovery
10/13/2023 - 'Ancient sunlight tax' on energy at the source
08/18/2023 - A manufacturing industry for 'Spacialisation'
07/21/2023 - Earth Survival System
06/30/2023 - Biochar apptech grant scheme
05/16/2023 - Climate Emergency revisited
04/04/2023 - Swiss cheese
04/03/2023 - Mars survival system
04/03/2023 - Acacia growing experiment
03/31/2023 - Preparation for El Nino in Oz
02/27/2023 - Microalgae biochar kiln
02/24/2023 - A seawater industrial ecology
11/24/2022 - Major flooding in Oz
11/01/2022 - Dietary plan
10/27/2022 - Integrated planning for a 'million houses' budget proposal
10/14/2022 - Microalgae for an almost circular economy
09/14/2022 - Probability V Possibility
08/18/2022 - Microgrids for roadhouses
07/07/2022 - A 'Green' Economic plan for Australia
06/11/2022 - Self-powered transport and climate-controlled greenhouses
05/23/2022 - Hypothetical Ministry for the Federal Government of Australia
01/13/2022 - COVID-19 and permaculture
01/07/2022 - COVID-19 testing idea
12/09/2021 - AdBlue - a coming crisis?
10/29/2021 - A new material for the transport industry and beyond
09/23/2021 - Off-grid/Micro-grid Building + Transport 'Green Hydrogen'/Electric hybrid 'Tech decision tree'
06/05/2021 - Carbon offset V Carbon reduction
02/10/2021 - This is a 'mind map' of an 'open source' 'climate plan' for a 'climate emergency' with 'targets'
10/30/2020 - Aussie wish list for the future
10/17/2020 - Production line scaleability
10/02/2020 - A new greentech start-up funding model
07/21/2020 - The shortest 'Green Hydrogen' blog
07/04/2020 - The 'Adventure' outback vehicle
06/18/2020 - Solar ovens
05/26/2020 - Renewables, anyone?
05/17/2020 - Top 16 things you could do to retrofit your home and ?garden to make it more resilient
05/13/2020 - An Appropriate technology Renaissance?
04/17/2020 - A 'Green economics' for the future?
03/12/2020 - Micro-electrolysis for hydrogen fuel production
01/08/2020 - The humble phytolith
12/03/2019 - #Software for the hardware
07/24/2019 - Computing convergence with the human mind
07/23/2019 - A rough overview of Carbon sequestration
05/27/2019 - Seed funding for greentech/apptech startups
11/13/2018 - How to achieve a Federation of bioregions
10/16/2018 - The race for what's left to achieve what's possible
01/08/2018 - Artificial Intelligence (AI) V Physical Intelligence (PI): Collaborative Intelligence (CI)?
11/23/2017 - A Carbon-backed national digital currency (CBNDC)?
07/26/2017 - The Flat Modular Biochar Kiln (FMBK)
06/21/2016 - Why biochar is an optimal degrowth technology.
11/19/2015 - The 'Flat-Tiki'